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100+ designers vying for the title, inspired by VR Parkour.

In a thrilling fusion of design and adrenaline, Red Bull’s BrandRun challenged designers to showcase their prowess, all against the backdrop of VR Parkour. Our mission was to amplify this unique contest, making it a must-watch event in the design community.


1.Successfully engaged over 100 designers, each
bringing a unique perspective to the table.

2.Achieved a 15% increase in Red Bull’s social
media engagement during the campaign period.

3.Garnered few media mentions, spotlighting
the innovative blend of design and VR.

Initial challenge

The world of design contests is vast, but Red Bull aimed to introduce a fresh, exhilarating twist. The challenge was to make BrandRun stand out, ensuring it wasn’t just another design competition.

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Our Approach / Strategy Breakdown



By integrating VR Parkour, we ensured the contest was as much about the experience as it was about design.



Leveraged social media platforms to engage with the design community, sparking conversations and excitement.



Spotlighted participating designers, giving them a platform to showcase their skills and narratives.

Key results

1.Positioned BrandRun as a new
design contest in the industry.

2.Fostered a community of designers
eager to participate in future editions.

3.Elevated Red Bull’s reputation as a brand
that pushes boundaries in creativity.

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